Tuesday, April 7, 2009

More Government Incompetence

Highlighted portions of an internal audit about Colorado's Department of Homeland Security shows just what a bureaucracy does for the people.
Just where and who has this $1 million dollar check and why have they not cashed it? I could understand if who has it is afraid the funds won't be there. After all it is from a State that is running a deficit.
Night vision goggles , communications equipment still in its purchase packages. No accountability on ATV's that they have.
Contracts that are awarded then re amended for more money. Hey if the contract does not cover the cost then it means that the contract was underbid and the awarded needs to cough up the cost of overruns. NOT THE PEOPLE!
Why are county employees being allowed to bid on contracts themselves. This smacks of corruption. It is why it is not allowed. Someone messed up ion this one big time. Can you say bureaucrat?
The biggest question is why is a State agency or any government agency using small sleazy IRS hiding tactics when doing their books. Auditors found that there are TWO (2) sets of books being kept, thus making a real accountability of accounting impossible to do.
This agency was created by Democratic Governor Bill Ritter in 2007. Ritter is nothing more then another yes man for the Democratic party. Which should tell you something about transparency and accountability. As demonstrated in Washington, they believe that they are above the rest of us and do not have to answer questions of what they are doing.
Are you paying attention? I am.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Denver tax tea Party

It is almost here. tax day. The day we celebrate our indentured servitude to the government. This year marks an even more special day of servitude as it may be the last time we can call our selves a free nation.

The power grab being made by the left in this country is mind numbing. Unconstitutional authority to fire CEO's and change the board of directors. If I were an investor I would think twice about any company that is talking to the government let along accepting money form the government.

The forced production of products that the consumer does not want. The lack of leadership on the energy front. Not to mention the lies about not raising taxes on the middle and lower classes.

This has to be the biggest lie out there. It is the middle and lower classes that are facing the biggest increase in taxation to date. A rise in the energy bills, commodities that we enjoy. A money grab on tobacco, food, and other LEGAL acts that the lower and middle classes participate in.

This is no longer the America of my forefathers, but a socialist country on the verge of a Hugo Chavez dictatorship. The greatest generation ever is unfortunately dieing off and the baby boomers seem to be idiots who believe that they are entitled to everything. The notion of a work ethic is an insult to the vast majority of Baby Boomers and generation Xers. Not to mention that this latest generation has no clue of what a work ethic is. Lining up for government handouts then demanding more and more.

The Denver Tea party will be April 15Th on the west steps of the Colorado State Capital from noon to 1:30. Bring signs, shirts, bumper stickers and your VOICE. Be heard one last time before you are censored for good.