Friday, January 30, 2009

Is Nancy Pelosi in denial or just SENILE.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has come out and made the most outrageous statement. She has claimed to be non partisan. Lets look at her statement.

Here is what she said:

“I didn’t come here to be partisan. I didn’t come here to be bipartisan. I came here, as did my colleagues, to be nonpartisan, to work for the American people, to do what is in their interest.
The president’s agenda is reflected in this legislation. It’s — I mentioned, some of the priorities that were there about creating jobs, cutting taxes, helping states through this difficult economic time, and to do so in a fiscally sound way.

Fiscally sound? Say that again please. This bill is loaded with pork. Money for condoms, foreign nations are getting our money to conduct abortions. Something we do not fund even for our own citizens. Billions of dollars for the political activist group ACORN. Where is the real tax cuts? WE have tax credits proposed but no tax cuts.

People vote for what they believe in. Clearly, the Republicans did not believe in the agenda that I just described for you, and that’s probably one of the reasons they voted that way. I think they probably voted their conscience and they couldn’t support that. …

Yes and it is a good thing that the Republicans showed the American people who truly are the fiscally responsible ones in Washington when it comes to this nonsense of a bill.

We reached out to the Republicans all along the way, and they know it. And they know it. They were part of the original bill, with the — some of the tax provisions were their suggestions. They had what they asked for in terms of committee mark-up. They had the rule on the floor that gave them plenty of opportunity to make changes. They just didn’t have the ideas that had the support of the majority of the people in the Congress. ”

You reached out to the Republican party? Just how was this accomplished? When was it? Was it before or after Nancy Pelosi rewrote the house rules. The ones in which she has eliminated debate on the floor. The ones in which she has denied the removal of bills and sending them back to committee? Did she extend her hand to the Republican party before or after she called in the Democratic party without notifying the Republicans of certain voted prior to the Christmas break in 2008.

Nancy claims she has listened to the Republican party yet she refuses to acknowledge any of the Republican proposals on the stimulus bill, or any other bill for that matter.

Nancy has been the most partisan Speaker of the House in memory. For her to claim she is not is either denial or a lie. However if you listen to her speak and the things she says. One can easily conclude that maybe she is getting old and is simply SENILE.

I am watching this. Are you paying attention?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Gov. Ritter wants Colorado to have Terrorists

In an appalling announcement Governor Bill Ritter made a statement to the press of how he agrees with Congressman John Murtha. You know the loud mouth pork addict from Pennsylvania.

In a remark that was not only offensive but full of lack of thought and intellect. Gov. Ritter said that Colorado's maximum security prison and federal prison near Florence Colorado could and should accept the detainees from Gitmo. A move that perked all ears here in Colorado.

If Ritter was thinking most people do not listen to his socialistic ways. Well he is correct. Colorado a traditional conservative state has been moving further down the slippery slope of liberalism for the last 8 years. As liberals are further embedded into our government here. Their refusal to follow the State Constitution and the law mimics that of the national Legislature. The lack of enforcement of TABOR is just the cap of the oncoming ice flow about to tear this state and economy apart.

With the liberal cry of close Gitmo, the problem of what to do with these now ENEMY COMBATANTS. At first anyone who has read the Geneva Convention and articles of War would conclude rightfully so that these detainees are not eligible for regular military tribunal let alone moved to a civilian court of law.

The liberal left has since day one called for the release of those who want to kill us. Now President Obama is left with the situation of where to put these madmen. Well Congressman Murtha and now Gov. Ritter are saying bring them here. Bring them to our homes and neighborhoods in Pennsylvania and Colorado.

It is bad enough that Gov.Ritter refuses to enforce the laws on immigration. But now he wants to throw into the mix of ILLEGAL ALIENS loose in the state of Colorado islamofascist. Not the friendly environment he is telling the world Colorado represents.

With the over abundance of those who would legislate from the legal bench instead of interpret the law. Colorado could end up with these terrorist easily free on our streets.

Now isn't that a wonderful thought for the Mile High State.

I am watching, are you?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hickenlooper says Employees stay home, again

It is a never ending story of literally we have to hurt the little guy in order to keep the government working. Well that's the liberal view any ways.

Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper is not to happy about how people are spending their money. As a matter of fact he wants to join the line of hand outs being looked at by our ever wise and bountiful tax payer supported stimulus funds.

Now that reports on the city income are coming in lower then projected, expected and wished for. The ever wise and diligent spend first ask later Mayor warns city employers that they may have to take a couple more days off from work at no pay.

While the liberal heavy city council is looking into proposed higher tax hikes (ways to steal and mismanage tax money). Mayor Hickenlooper instead of looking out for those who he is supposed to be taking care of. Is looking at the 53 million dollar shortfall in the budget.

HMMMM, a 53million dollar short fall? Was not the DNC convention supposed to bring money into town? Did not the federal government give Denver 50 plus million dollars for this as well. Just a financial coincidence?Where did this short fall come from. Could the Mayor and the City Council once again be spending money that they do not have? Well that does seem to be the trend for elected officials nation wide these days. Spend first , worry about where the money comes from later.

So in order to keep funds flowing to more liberal progressive programs for socialist activists. Mayor Hickenlooper wants the city employees to make up the funds by donating their paychecks to the cause. That's what he is asking when he denies them work.

Isn't this sort of an oxymoron of sorts. Don't work to pay for our short fall?

Anyways, I find it interesting how the Mayor wants to deny employees their right to earn a living, support their families, and improve their lives. All to help him balance his budget of mismanaged fiscal irresponsibility.

So why not try something that is proven to work. When you raise taxes an immediate increase in funds is evident. Yet in the long run or actually in no time at all you see a decrease in funds. Why, because people when faced with a higher sales tax go elsewhere to shop. Or when faced with higher taxes they hoard their money and do not spend it, but save it for a rainy day. SO why not lower taxes, see people spend money and the city coffers increase in funds. Does not this make better sense?

Are you watching this circus?

Friday, January 9, 2009

Conservative Grass root candidates

Conservatives have got to get their act together , and fast. A grass roots effort to elect not only fiscal responsible candidates, but candidates that will make America strong again and not kowtow to foreign interests.

An injection of common sense needs to be sent to Washington D.C. a.s.ap., we have two years to get this done. The next two years are going to be rough. As liberals and lack of responsibility and common sense will prevail. Make no mistake there are few conservatives in the Legislature. Many claim to be under the name of Republican but in truth are only RINO's and cannot be trusted with our future.

I know some may say it is to early to think about the 2012 presidential bid but now is the time to get the word out and keep the fire to the feet of the liberals. To keep exposing them for the oppressors that they are. The best way to do this is to continue to point out their failings and explain where they are wrong and how they are different from conservatives.

Who can we put out in the public and promote? There are three strong conservative candidates that come to mind. Of coarse the first in Sarah Palin.

Sarah Palin is the only reason that John McCain received any conservative support. She has shown and demonstrated family values, responsibility, and leadership.

The next candidate is Michael Steele. This man has his act together and is definitely not a RINO. He says it like it is and demonstrates transparency in his beliefs. beliefs that are economically sound, hawkish on defense , and America first in nature.

The third leading candidate for President is Bobby Jindahl of Louisiana. The governor has his act together and is not just demonstrating leadership but putting it into practice. He is holding the state legislature accountable to those they are supposed to be representing. He is cleaning house and accounting for their actions.

Who would be qualified Vice presidential nominees for these to pick from. Well here again there are three names that jump out to the front. They jump to the front as V.P. selections not Presidential, but are more qualified then Joe Biden will ever be if they were to have to full fill the act of taking over the job of President.

Newt Gingrich is o the top of this list. Why, simple. Listen to the man, he oozes conservatism and responsibility. Not only that but he is intelligent and has been around the block. His responsible policies in Washington are the same ones the left are so desperately trying to dismantle right now.

next would be Fred Thompson. he comes to mind because of his smart, reasonable approach to leadership. Hard nosed when it is called for. Always accountable and holding others accountable. He has the qualities for the job with out being trained on the job for it.

Last but not least. Probably the most popular person would be Mike Huckabee. Although he is by far the most moderate of all those who come to mind. He does bring common sense and accountability to the race. His viability would be in the fact he appeals to the widest range of voters. His candicey choice should be gaining votes from the middle of the road voters. Although he is a moderate and would not be the conservatives first choice he still should be considered as being the one to reach across the isle and thump the left with the most tact.

These are the ones we need to start supporting and getting out in front of the public now. The message is clear. Are we going to nationalise all business in this country and fall for the lie of government can take care of us. That is the lie this country has fallen for with this last election and will bite us in the backside hard.

The 2010 elections are where we can show our mandate and start to retake this country form those who are irresponsible and have no business in office dictating their agenda over that of the people. Granted it is midterm elections and more in the republican party are up for reelection. This is our chance to remove these RINOs from office. For those on the left, it is our chance as Conservatives to remove them as well.

The conservative movement has got to stop listening to these so-called strategist who are calling for a bigger move to the left in order to win elections. These are the ones who propped up John McCain as our candidate. These are the ones who are truly RINOs and are not conservative in the least. Ann Coulter may be gruff and abrupt but she is right and a conservative. Those who say they support conservatism and attack her are not on our side. They need to be looked upon as subversive infiltrators who are trying to eliminate conservatism.

Seam Hannity, in truth is a mouth piece for many of the RINOs. From time to time he does stand strong with conservative values, but for the most part he is nothing more then a mouth piece for the RNC.

Michael Savage, the most polarising man on radio today, is correct in many of his conclusions. You may not like his style but what he says is true. Listen some time and learn.

The infallible Rush Limbaugh. A voice for moderates and conservatives alike. Rush is the voice we need to get our message of conservatism out there. Although he is not as conservative as claimed by the radical left who are now calling themselves moderates. Rush is a must in exposing the left and socialist who want to destroy and abuse the Constitution and this country.

Hugh Hewitt, Michael Medved, Laura Ingram, O'Rielly, and Miller are RINOs and should be taken with a grain of salt. Time and time again over the last election cycle they showed their support for other RINOs and made calls to appeal to the independent left instead of sticking to the conservative message. Listen to them but do not take for granted what they say as truth. They are not conservatives but ideologues who would sell us out when given the chance , and have.

The grass root movement has got to start now.

I am watching and working are you?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Its the Kings B-day

Seventy Four years ago, in a little home in Tupelo Mississippi. The king of Rock and Roll was born. January 8th 1935. A very humble beginning for a very humble man.

Why is this man considered the King? Simple, globally, he has sold over one billion records, more than any other artist. His American sales have earned him gold, platinum or multi-platinum awards for 150 different albums and singles, far more than any other artist. Did I mention that he still is selling records today.

Selling records 31 years after he has died. Now tell me what artist alive today has that much going for him? OK, I'll give you garth Brooks, but he still has a long way to go to catch the KING.

Enjoy the video:

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Great News out of New Mexico

Finally some good news coming out of New Mexico. A chance for those in New Mexico to take a stand and move in a positive direction. It would seem that the Governor Bill Richardson is feeling the heat on his possible illegal business activities. Although no proof a crimes have been determined his unethical and anti Americanism is being exposed.

The pro open border candidate for secretary of Commerce, has withdrawn his name for the position, citing a pending investigation into a company that has done business with his state. His announcement though great news bringing hope in getting this person out of elected office. Still spun and evaded his actual ties to activities that at the very least were and are morally and unethical for an elected official. though they seem to be with a daily release of information, a common occurrence for those in the Democratic party.

Richardson had pledged at the time of his nomination — in English and Spanish — to work to renew the economy. With recent agreements made with a foreign government , that of Mexico. Promoting commerce that was beneficial to Mexico over United States companies. Richardson was poised to be the secretary of Commerce, he would have taken over a sprawling department that oversees the National Weather Service, the Census Bureau, economic development programs and more.

Yet the question with his appointment remained as to who's country would he be working for. Who's country would benefit the most from policies he would enact. Although Richardson has been in public service for longer then needed. Voted in time and again by liberals, was United Nations ambassador and energy secretary during the Clinton administration, and he is in his second term as New Mexico's governor. He also served seven terms in the House of Representatives. All of which have long established failed actions not only by his association to failed policy makers, but having made failed policies himself.

The withdrawal of his name for Secretary of Commerce can only be sen as a plus for America and an extra bonus for those who live in New Mexico. Now they have the chance in the next election to vote in someone who will look out for New Mexico's welfare and that of the United States.