Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Go Blago Go

You have to give Gov. Blagojevick credit. the man has a set. Here he is with the Democratic party bailing on him after he shines the spotlight on how they do politics and names a new Senator. Roland Burris to President-elect Barack Obama's vacant U.S. Senate seat. Now that's funny.

Harry Reid says that the Senate will not acknowledge this appointment but the Constitution says different. The law is the law and Blago has stuck it to them. The party that represents the true corruption in government now has to deal with it.

Gov. Blagojevich has not been convicted of any wrong doing as of yet and still serves as the sitting Governor of the state of Illinois. Under his duty and authority he has done his job. That is to appoint a new person to occupy the empty senatorial seat. The problem is not for Illinois but for the democratic party. Although this appointment keeps a democrat in the seat, it is not a leftist liberal of choice. That is what is upsetting the liberal establishment. The fact they were not able to put the liberal of choice in office.

So until they take Blago to court and actually drag it all out in court. Something that looks to be doubtful do to the fact there may be embarrassing things about the Obama inner circle getting exposed. I say GO BLAGO GO!!!!

Are you Watching? I am!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Cynthia McKinney,disgraceful again

Cynthia McKinney is up to disgracing her office and America yet again. This time she takes her self righteous act overseas in support of a known terrorist organization. You may remember this despicable Democrat from her actions in Congress. When she thought she was above everyone else and tried to avoid a security check point then got into an altercation with a Secrete Service Officer. Or you may recall her donations for her reelection. How they all had ties or were directly in support of terrorism.

Well this so-called leader of the people is up to more embarrassing acts. This time taking a page out of Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi's play book. Cynthia has taken it upon herself , along with other anti Israeli, pro Palestinian supporters to conduct acts as if she were the State Department.

Former Georgia congresswoman Cynthia McKinney is a high-profile member of a boatload of activists that set sail Monday from Cyprus to deliver medicine to war-torn Gaza.

McKinney, who ran as the Green Party candidate for president, sees the voyage as a humanitarian mission, said her father, former Georgia state Rep. Billy McKinney.

“Her mother did not want her to go,” he said, referring to concerns at home for her safety. “But I think that certain people have missions in life and you can’t deter them.”

The activists, organized by the Free Gaza Group, said their 66-foot yacht called “SS Dignity” would defy an Israeli blockade of Gaza and ferry 16 activists and three tons of Cypriot-donated supplies. The supplies are intended to help treat the wounded from Israeli bombings against targets in Gaza, in retaliation for rocket fire aimed at civilians in southern Israeli towns.

Now this is absolutely an over step and abuse of her status. Fortunately the Israeli's are not having any part of this. her boat, "The Dignity" or should be named the "DINGBAT". Was turned away by an Israeli gunboat and forced to port in Cypress.


Monday, December 29, 2008

The antiWalMart Act

The anti Wal Mart act known as the Employee Free Choice Act is nothing more then an effort to ruin more companies . Especially targeting Wal mart and its policies. There is nothing good about this forced unionization of the work force by more socialist. A way of taking choice away from the worker and placing it in the hands of more thieves who will do nothing more then steal another chunk of ones paycheck. All in the name of the greater good of the union and the worker.

Claims of up to 60 million Americans want to form unions right now are the largest misleading propaganda out there right now. This claim would, when put to the truth, say that one third of the nations work force is looking to unionise. A LIE nothing more. With two hundred million supposedly in the work force right now this would put a figure close to one third wanting to unionise. Meaning that the one third already reported as being in a union would add another third to their rolls leaving a third non union. What these polls fail to show is who is being polled. A fact that union membership is on the decline, the polls are taken in high unionised areas skewing the results. Much like political polls that show one side leading over another to influence the rest of us into thinking we are loosing or winning in a campaign.

The Employee Freedom in Choice act does nothing more then benefit unions who are not getting their way and getting into companies like Wal Mart. All a union has to do under this act is request an arbitrator and drag their feet on any negotiations. Then after ten days of not being able to achieve a workable agreement, the government will send in a pro labor arbitrator to settle the dispute.

What does this mean. Simplified it means that the government will institute unions into the workplace over the choice of the many who may not want a union. All it takes is one person to call for unionization and a union willing to take on the case. Represent the single person in negotiations, stall on any agreement , then receive favorable acts from the government and viola. A union is now in place in the company. Despite a major non supporting union employee majority.

This is a back door method of dictating to those who believe in free choice, that they are now going to have their rights taken over by some bureaucrat behind a desk across the country. Governor Bill Ritter supports this as he is a beholding to unions as are all democrats in elected office.

We are seeing political payback in the form of bailout monies amount to nothing more then open and blatant payoffs for votes to the unions. Now more payback is on the way as the Democratic party is going to mandate unions in all work places.

Unions once served a purpose. Yes they did increase wages and improve work conditions. However their time like the dinosaurs is over. the government has established agencies that oversee work conditions from safety (OSHA) to wages (labor board), to certain benefits. Benefits that are going to change for the worse as freedom in choice of health care are being eliminated.

Do not think that this is a good policy and benefit for the worker. It is a move to dictate and oppress the worker even further than we already are.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

This sums up the bailout

If the truth were to be told about how the money is being spent.

Why Hickenlooper should be appointed

Colorado faces a grave appointment to replace Sen. Salazar. If you have not heard Salazar has been appointed to a cabinet position with the Obama administration.As the Sec. of the Interior, Salazar is being falsely hailed as a protector of the land. All propaganda as Ken "what can I get out of it" Salazar is far from a protector of the land.

But back to point. With the newly vacant Senatorial seat of Salazar Colorado faces the decision of who will replace him. Several names have come up. Diana Degette, Rep. Perlmutter, Fredrico "fired for incompetence by Clinton" Pena, among those who have been placed for nomination. However the one that rings as the best would be Mayor John Hickenlooper.

Why would we want this man to go to a federal office after such a poor reign as mayor of Denver? Simple. He would only be in office for two years. just enough time to make a show of solidarity with the other poor leadership currently going to take charge in Congress. Enough time to expose more of his pro union anti individual choice when it comes to the job market. More time to expose his pro amnesty and sanctuary policies for those who come to this country ILLEGALLY. Then the best reason to date, it will get him out of office here in Denver. Allowing someone else to do a job and not make p.c. policies of feelgood and higher taxes on the city of Denver.

John Hickenlooper has been in the pockets of Unions and lobbyist since day one. His poor leadership includes the dunderheaded decision to not put snow plows on the roads because the roads were snow covered and bad. Then to make up for this stupid inane judgment he cost the city thousands of dollars in a lame attempt to apologise for not understanding that snow plows are supposed to be on the roads during a snow storm and buying hot chocolate for all in Denver who wanted it. The results, messed up impassable streets for the rest of the winter two years ago.

The removal by promotion for Hickenlooper is the best choice for Denver. A city that is sinking in a quagmire of liberalism and political correctness. When Hickenlooper leaves it will allow those with some common sense to get together and prepare a candidate for the 2010 election, not only for Mayor, but for the Senate seat.

I am watching, you need to as well.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Relax and enjoy

A little humor

What your Bailout money bought

In case you have not been following to closely the auto bailout story. If you are all in support of the UAW workers against the evil corporation. I hope your pockets are deep enough for this is what your money is getting. Snobbery and elitism.

from their website:

The Rees Jones-built championship golf course located near Cheboygan received a Golf Digest designation as the No. 2 “Best New Upscale Public Course” in North America for 2000.

It’s a credit to Black Lake to come in second in the category of Best New Upscale, because it’s a very competitive division to be in,” Jones said. “There were 256 golf courses that were submitted this year, and Black Lake even had some points deducted because they didn’t allow walking all the time. It’s pretty incredible.”

With over 1,000 acres to work with, Jones designed a spacious 300-acre course that has become a must-play venue for those who love classic golf course design combined with the aesthetics of natural wetlands.

“ What makes that site so intriguing is that it’s a natural piece of ground with sandy soil with ample land to space the holes where they should be,” Jones said. “It enables you to vary your features easily in order to optimize the topography.”

Black Lake is carved out of pines and hardwoods and runs perpetually through and around wetlands, while featuring a traditional, classic layout with wide fairways and target bunkers.

“ The wetlands really add a positive element to all of the golf courses today,” Jones said. “It enables us to locate the greens and tees and fairways on the upland.”

Native trees such as ash, aspen, beech, birch, hemlock, maple, oak, red pine and white pine outline the course and provide habitat for an array of wildlife species in the area, including bald eagle, beaver, coyote, duck, fox, osprey, owl, stork and white tail deer.

“ Usually, it’s just you and the deer and the squirrels playing golf,” director of golf Pam Phipps said. “My favorite courses are the ones with no homes around them.”

The course features bent grass conditions throughout except for accents on the fairways where bluegrass is mixed. The golf course is heavily tree-lined and isolated.

“ Every hole is a great golf hole, and the neat thing about it is that this course will be like it is now in 30 years, because there isn’t going to be a bunch of condos put out there,” Phipps said. “Some of the courses being developed now are great, but they lose some of the appeal when housing developments go up around them.”

The wide, well-groomed fairways provide ample room for big hitters. Target bunkers lurk in the fairways. The greens are accented by even more sand. A couple of doglegs create some interesting shot options. YADDA, YADDA, YADDA!

Black Lake Golf Club is the newest addition to the UAW’s Walter and May Reuther Family Education Center.

The UAW selected one of golf’s most acclaimed course architects, Rees Jones, to design an environmentally responsible, championship caliber course. It was a challenge eagerly embraced by Jones, Golf World Magazine’s “Architect of the Year” in 1995.

This is part of why the unions want money. The Golf Course has been loosing money.

The UAW International's golf course and education center operations on 1,000 acres near Onaway have together lost $23 million over the past five years, independent audits obtained by the Free Press show.

Both are run as for-profit corporations, according to paperwork filed with the U.S. Department of Labor, and the UAW has been propping them up with loans."There's a lot of debate over what to do," said Arthur Wheaton, a union expert from Cornell University.

"They've been having trouble there trying to get enough people to go through there to justify the expense," he added.The facilities are reminders of another time when the autoworkers' union was flush with dues-paying members.

But now the U.S. auto industry is losing money, the UAW is losing members and some people are questioning the need to keep the money-losing operations.

The Union is upset because their membership has dropped and they just are not sucking in enough money. Well if they didn't spend it on things like Golf Co arses maybe they would have some money, no?


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Is Rod Blagojevich Guilty?

Is the now disgraced and publicly humiliated Governor of Illinois guilty or is he innocent? Well that depends on what we are talking about. As for the charges brought forth against him only time will tell on this. However all the evidence being leaked out from the investigation would more then likely prove a guilty decision from any sane jury. The case has not been brought to court yet.

SO what is Rod Blagojevich guilty of? At the moment he is guilty of being arrogant and self centered. A typical liberal elected official who is more concerned about himself then those he is supposed to be representing and providing for.

A product of the Chicago political machine. One that received notice under Mayor Daily and his antics of having dead vote for himself and others in his party. A practice that was not new at the time nor gone away at this time. But a practice that he made more famous.

For years American politics has been racked with scandal and intrigue. From the back room dealings and infighting to the blatant abuse and pass the buck leadership we have unfortunately grown to know and for some God for saken reason keep electing into office.

Gov. Rod Blagojevich is really a product of the current political system we have created. One that makes elected officials think that they are entitled to things that they are not. We hear and read about the perks. How lobbyist give vacations, trips , and other gifts to the elected officials in order to curry favor for their causes. Be the cause business, or some other legislation. So to find out that one official has decided to pull a stunt like auctioning off a U.S. Senate seat should really come as no surprise to the average informed tax payer and citizen. What should be surprising is that he did not think of E-BAY.

Today's younger politicians from the age of 65 on down, are of the entitlement generation. They think that the extra perks, pay, and gifts are entitled to them for being in office. They have forgotten that they have a job only at the whim of their constituents.

Is Gov. Blagojevich guilty then. Morally yes by all means. On criminal charges, not yet but more then likely yes. Is he also a victim? Yes by means of the Chicago corruption in politics. He has been a part of a political machine that has been corrupt and left to get worse over time. A good liberal lawyer should be able to make the case of his innocents on such.

By being a victim himself of the Chicago political scene he was only conducting business as usual. He was taught and learned that this is how Politics in America is done.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Section 17, Plot 774: Muhammad Parvez will he remember

Meadowvale Cemetery in Brampton, lies a lonely grave. No head stone to mark the young woman who lies with in. No date of birth, no date of her death. No name for others to remember her by. Who is it that is int urned in such a lonely place? For that matter who is Muhammad Parvez, and why should he remember this grave.

Well if you have not been following or reading ATLAS SHRUGS blog:

You may have to think for a minute. The young lady berried here is Aqsa Parvez, the daughter murdered by Mahammad Parvez.

Why was she MURDERED? It was simple. In the Islamic world it is acceptable for a parent to murder their child if they claim it to be an honor killing. This is what her father did as he cowardly fled back to the middle east to avoid justice.

Oh don't fret he wasn't alone in this endeavor to slay his child and flee. Aqsa’s 26-year-old brother, Waqas Parvez, has been charged with obstructing police. By giving his father time to escape justice.

Muhammad murdered his child for the honour of his family. The claim that she was to westernised and not living the proper life of a young Muslim girl.

The tragedy is that the family berried her in an unmarked grave, other then the required plot number there is no sign of her passing.

Pamela Geller is taking donations to correct this. If you would like to contribute and remember this young woman send your donations to Go to PAYPAL AND SPECIFY AQSA PARVEZ AND WE WILL HONOR AQSA.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Shephard, Pirate, or Terrorist

Who are those that claim they are the only defenders of the planet Whales. Well if you watch Animal Planet any you may be familiar with their new show, Whale Wars.

This is a show that brings to attention the whaling by Japanese in the Antarctic seas. Something that morally may not be right. Then again are the Japanese really whaling or are they the target of an extremist group of self righteous, self indulgent, Eco terrorists?

I would have to say that it may be both but it is definitely the latter. The Sea Shepherd is not only a ship full of Ecoterrorist, but it is over qualified as not just a ship of fools but of incompetence and law breakers.

Lets meet these incompetent terrorists shall we.

Paul Watson: Captain of the ship and founder of the Sea Shepherds. How this man is allowed to continue to command a ship is unbelievable. His lack of concern and responsibility as a Captain to his crew is unfathomable. Allowing untrained crew members to launch zodiac boats with crew members on board them. Allowing said boats to leave in Arctic waters while members on board are not wearing Arctic life saving suits, and not ensuring that there is communication between said boat and the ship.

The planning and enactment of piracy on the high seas, boarding without permission other ships, and the attempts to disable said ships upon the high seas. All acts of terrorism and piracy.

Benjamin Potts: ships cook. Also guilty of terrorism and piracy on the high seas. He has attempted and succeeded in the unlawful boarding of another ship on the open ocean. This without notification or permission of the ship and crew. He is also guilty of attempting to disable a ship on the high seas. Assaulting not only the ship with home made weapons that may cause the injury of crew members but damage the ship being attacked.

Kim McCoy: ships quartermaster. Not only is she breaking the law but she is a lawyer. This is cause for immediate suspension and removal from any bar to practice law anywhere. As quarter master she sees that when these pirates/terrorist attack Japanese ships on the high seas that they are supplied with the means to do harm and damage to crew and ship.
She is a fraud, her actions are exactly 180 degrees fro her listed bio beliefs. She claims to support non violent actions yet she is on film supporting violent actions against others. Her support of any action that may be dangerous to the safety of others in not a nonviolent act.

Shannon Mann: another ships quartermaster. She is another one who has committed acts of terrorism and piracy against others on the high seas. Failed to supply proper gear to those who leave ship and assault other ships, and is a poster child for mislead activism.

Peter Hammarstedt: second mate. Not only is this person laughable as a second mate, with no training listed or evident in his on camera appearances with the show. He is incompetent in not only leadership ability but as second mate. An idealistic 23 year old who puts the life of animals above that of his fellow man. He has planned and executed attacks on other vessels that would not only put that ships crew in life threatening situations. He has committed acts of terrorism by building so called nonviolent bombs that produce slick surfaces on board ships. This will one day lead to a crew member slipping and either breaking their neck of falling into the frigid antarctic waters and dieing.

Peter Brown: first mate. another laughable person in a position of responsibility. Peter is by trade a videographer. He documents most of the acts of piracy when he is not participating in them. As second in command of the Sea Shepherd he has proven incompetent time and time again. His allowing of zodiac speed boats to leave site of the main ship with out communication of proper survival gear is not only irresponsible but criminally negligent. His piloting of the zodiac speed boats in their acts of piracy against other vessels has not only put the lives of himself and those upon board the zodiac at risk but he has put the lives of those on the assailed ships and those who may have to rescue them at risk.

C. Aultman: ships helicopter pilot and aviation director. A former United States Marine he claims he has seen the devastation of man. Not having been in real combat he was on board ship and never set foot on shore during the 91 war (Desert Storm) he now thinks of himself as a warrior for the planet. He has been involved with acts of terrorism and piracy on the high seas.

Amber Paarman: quartermaster. Yet another animal rights activist who places the lives of animals above that of humans. She is a supporter and participant of acts of terrorism and piracy on the high seas.

Tod Emko: communications officer. The position of communications officer would seem to be filled with a person who is qualified. Yet time and time again he has demonstrated his lack of ability by allowing the zodiac speed boats to leave with out communications equipment or doing a simple comm check with said boat before they move away from the ship. He has participated willfully in the acts of sabotage to other ships on the high seas. Yet another pirate that claims to be peaceful.

What do these people do that constitutes terrorism and piracy? For one the act to disable and damage another ship through the destruction of the props and engines. Not only does this put the attacked ship in danger but that of any ship that has to come to their aid. When a ship looses its ability to be mobile during a storm. They can easily fall pray to the seas and sink. Basically these are acts of attempted murder.

These people are not saviors of animal life. They are frauds who think that they are above the law and can do what ever they want to.

The name of the ship that these criminals sail on is the Steve Irwin.

If you want to support animals and protect them. Do not support criminals contact Green Peace and other reputable groups that do not break the law or endanger lives.

I am watching

Endangered, Prairie dogs?

Another sob story from the animal right activists who have no concept or understanding of health issues or the environment.

In the Rocky Mountain News today an article states that the Prairie dog is soon to become an endangered species. I find this extremely hard to believe.

WildEarth Guardians argued that these little rats need to be protected from the following

* converting habitat to cropland
* urbanization
* oil, gas and mineral development
* plague
* recreational shooting
* livestock grazing.

Who are Wild Earhters? Well they are The Wild Earth Guardians of coarse. A group that in itself abuses the wilderness they claim they want to save.

Wild Earth Guardians' mission is to protect and restore the wildlife, wild places and wild rivers of the American West.

If you read the bios on the staff page of their website

You will find that the majority of these people are outdoor enthusiast. Which is all fine and dandy. Yet they are severely misleading people as to who they are. They are activist who fall into the same category as those who break international law as animal planet promotes as sea Shepard's in their new series called WHALE WARS. ( )

One needs to understand where they are coming from and that they are wanting to impose their beliefs and opinions upon the rest of us. While dictating the way we live and inter act with the environment. You need not look any further then their statement that Prairie dogs need to be protected from the plague to see they do not understand things.

Prairie dogs are rodents and they carry the plague. Any one remember an historical thing called the Black Plague. The one that ravaged Europe? It was brought on by rats. Rats who are strongly related to the Prairie dog. A wild rat.

Though one can say that they are trying to pursue a noble cause, it must be concluded that they have no idea nor concept of what they are saying.

I am watching.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


On this day of turkey and football, I ask what are you thankful for?

For myself I am thankful that in 1620 a group of settlers were able to make it after a long and dangerous 9 week journey were able to make it to a new country.

I am thankful that in 1776, an enlightened group of men were able to sign a Declaration of Independence and form a new nation.

I am thankful that in 1789, those same men were able to sign a working Constitution that set forth a nation that has lead the world to freedom and a better way of life.

I am thankful that in 1836, men stood firm in their belief in freedom and liberty at a little mission named the Alamo.

I am thankful for 50 states that work together as one.

I am thankful that because of those acts I am able to sit here and voice my opinion. Knowing that my brothers in arms are standing vigilant around the world to protect our rights to be free.

I am thankful that despite a poor educational system, we are able to sit down and examine the facts and make our own decisions on how we choose to live in a society, that we still have the right to choose for the most part how we spend our money. That we have the right support a candidate of our choosing and one that most resembles our beliefs with out retribution from those who oppose our views.

I am thankful to be an AMERICAN, how about you?

I am watching.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Colorado example of split in Ideology

The State Legislature in Colorado is a prime example of the political divide that we in this country suffer from. In control we have those who believe that tax and spend policy is best. A policy in which government is the solution to the problems of the people.

On the other side are those who see government not as a solution but a hindrance to solving problems. A reduction in taxes and a more responsible government as answers to the problems faced today.

A committee on job creation is just the latest to expose the problems our government faces. The Democrats on the committee believe that job creation and economic growth can play a vital role in buffering Colorado against the effects of a recession. A huge DUUAAAH on that. Suggested putting money into infrastructure projects that can create jobs. However the way Colorado is set up. A bidding war and closed door negotiations will only decide who gets the contracts to handle these infrastructure projects.

The state also could use incentives and job training at the college level to attract more renewable-energy businesses. However following along with the current thought in Washington D.C. a higher rate of tax is wanted by government to be placed on industry. So why would a company come to Colorado and face higher corporate taxes? They wouldn't.

The Republicans suggested the committee instead reduce burdensome business regulations. The state should concentrate on helping the oil and gas industry, the one area prospering during this economic downturn,said Republican members. A very unpopular concept with the liberal press and academics in State. A clear opposite to what the Democrats propose.

In a brief exchange with the press the ideological difference come through from two State Senators.

Sen. Shawn Mitchell, R-Broomfield, said he hoped the committee's emphasis "doesn't focus on things that are trendy over things that are tried-and-true."

Sen. Jennifer Veiga, D-Denver, replied: "I look forward to exploring all options, trendy or tried- and-true."

Lawmakers on the committee were asked to focus on four areas: 1) developing small businesses and nonprofits; 2) improving infrastructure; 3) expanding the "new energy economy"; 4)stimulating job growth in rural communities.

Democrats spoke of the need to spend money on constructing highways and buildings to put people to work and create something of value for the state. Yet failed to answer how they would fiance these projects. We all know that the answer is to raise funds through higher taxes. With a Democratic liberal controlled legislature, they are not about to cut any spending to find the funds necessary for this. So the only way would be to raise taxes.

Sen. Chris Romer, a Denver Democrat,and son of former state Governor Roy Romer. Said America did much to build its way out of the Great Depression but added the state should not wait "for manna from heaven to fall from the federal government."

Though only half true with his statement he failed to mention that the vamping up of the war machine do to WWII is what really kick started a slow and sluggish economy in 1941.

The bottom line and truth of the matter was summed up by Rep. Joe Rice, the Democrat Representative from Littleton. "I think it's so far been a brutally healthy discussion. We may come up with a hundred things we can do, but we've got to figure out what we've got the money for."

This, the latest in committees to come out and pander solutions just demonstrates the opposition in ideas from both sides and how far apart they are.

I am watching, are you?

Friday, November 21, 2008

Healthy Forests/Vibrant Communities Act

Here comes what at first appears to be another poorly designed and planned, rehashed group of legislative bills for the environment.

Gov. Bill Ritter and a group of bipartisan lawmakers but by no means a group of law makers with common sense. Announced on November 12TH the "Healthy Forests/Vibrant Communities Act of 2009," a legislative proposal that would protect Colorado's "prized" forest lands, assist local communities and stimulate economic activity.

The Act would include four pieces of questionable legislation, providing:

Resources and technical support to ensure that local communities can adequately assess wildfire risks and create effective response plans.

Additional support to reduce imminent threats through thinning projects focused on protecting lives, homes and community investments such as reservoirs, power lines and other infrastructure.

Increased focus on long-term restoration projects in community watersheds to protect public water supplies and create high-quality wildlife habitat.

A revolving loan fund to support businesses and create jobs by finding new ways to market timber and other wood products generated by community protection efforts.

The proposed cost of this will be funded with $5.5 million in FY09-10 with the Severance Tax Operational Account, which derives its revenues from the tax that oil and gas companies pay to "sever" or extract energy resources in Colorado.

"We've worked very hard the last two years to educate the public about the bark beetle scourge and to address the problem as best we can with our limited resources," Rep. Scanlan said. "We've been as creative as possible. But creativity and luck just aren't enough. We must overcome the threat of devastating wildfires that may jeopardize the region's infrastructure, wildlife, communities and economies."

Let us dissect these proposals just a little bit. Try to examine what is really being said here.

First the call for resources and technical support. There is no definition of what this will be. When saying they need more resources does this mean more man power? Does it call for money? Just what are these resources that is called for here? The question to the technical support is that of man power I would presume but who and how many. Are these to be state employees, or contracted out to a company that bids on a contract to work in the states forests.

An increase in long term impact on water sheds?The public, power lines etc. This sounds to me not as a way to move forward but more impact studies that will bog down any true action in solving the problem.

Additional support in the reduction of threats to homes, communities, and wild life areas. OK now we are making a little progress here. But when they ask for support does this mean reaching out and being slapped in the face by more of the tree huggers and their failed management of the forests? It is these EPA and conservation regulations that need to be examined and mostly repealed in order to go in and enact fire breaks and remove the pine beetle kill.

One can easily manage with common sense and a little effort the balance of wildlife, the forests and man. Unfortunately so far we haven't had any one with this common sense in office to do so.

The fourth issue of promoting businesses to use and market the wood I support. There are many businesses and charities that can use this wood. Local saw mills, local lumber yards, enterprising craftsman who make rugged furniture. There are lots of ways this can be marketed. The question is how much of a cut into the profits will the state want for someone else's work.

The taxing of oil and other energy companies is another way of trying to hurt the big bad oil companies. Especially since Coloradoans were smart enough to vote down the tax proposition to raise 300 plus million in taxes on these companies. There is other ways of funding these projects. As a matter of fact I am currently talking to my state Representative in these ways to make it profitable to do so. ( more on that possibly later)

Claims of being a decade into the pine-beetle epidemic, is false. We have good years and we have bad years. Currently 1.5 million acres of mature, high-country lodge pole pine forests have been effected. Some forest health experts say up to 2.2 million more acres of mixed conifer forests will be impacted in the coming years. Well to this DUUUUAH!

Unless we enact a smart effective way to remove the dead wood and infected beetle kill, spray other possible infected trees. We are looking at a lot more then 2.2 million acres in the future. Not to mention those areas that will be bystander innocent to fires brought on by dead, dry wood.


Monday, November 17, 2008

Vetting the new administration

The vetting process is very important. What it boils down to is looking into the background of nominations to cabinet positions. This is to see whether or not there may be something surprising or may cause concern with bad p.r. to the administration.

As a country we failed to vent the president elect, or more correctly I should say that the Obama campaign was successful in preventing a proper vetting of the candidate. By not allowing and blatant putting off limits basic questions as to Obama's background. We now have a president elect that we know very little about.

With more than 300 cabinet secretaries, deputies and assistant secretaries and more than 2,500 political appointees to be chosen. The vetting process of this new Administration is clearly a national issue.

Amazingly in 2001, it took an average of 60 days to get a nominee's name to the Senate after presidential approval. The Obama team, with White House assistance, is aiming for a maximum of 30 days. A little extra push from political friends to rush certain nominees to their new jobs. Political payback perhaps for support in the lack of vetting during the campaign?

Although Barack Hussein Obama is the most liberal and farthest left to ever be elected to office. He does not go far enough.

Yes Virginia, Obama is no the end of the extreme left but only the beginning of the extremist!

The extremists over on the Huff Post are fuming that the possibility of Sec. Gates will remain in office under Obama's presidency. Fact that Sec. Gates is not the best person for this job is not an argument. The fact that he will not disassemble the military and leave this country defenseless is what drives the extremists crazy. Rest assured though. As soon as Obama gets his bearing on how the military works and is working on foreign shores, he will replace Sec. Gates in a heart beat with a boot licker of his liking.

A second note is on how the Obama inner circle is vetting these nominees. This is something that is not getting enough airtime and understanding. So far we know that those who have owned a gun or own a handgun are being disqualified. This is something to think about with a man who proposes a civilian armed security force that would rival the military.


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Stimulas focus in the wrong place

As our elected officials plot new ways to waste the tax payers money. The focus seems to be turning to putting more money into a broken system. The concept of a handout over a hand up is always the liberal progressive thinkers answer to all economic and social problems. Let us throw more money at it and it will go away.

As Colorado's state government is grappling with a possible $101 million budget shortfall and lawmakers are looking to Washington for help. Gov. Bill Ritter's lean budget for next year could get thinner by trimming things such as money to stimulate job creation. State Sen. Moe Keller, a Wheat Ridge Democrat and Joint Budget Committee chairwoman. Said she's contacted some members of the national congressional delegation to talk about a potential second stimulus package.

"That is problematic for us, so I am hoping that some kind of economic stimulus package will come to us," said Keller. Yet another prime example of holding the hand out looking for aid instead of doing something about it. A key part of Gov. Ritter's next year budget proposal is setting aside $77 million in a "rainy day" fund that could be used to maintain essential services if economic forecasts get worse. Setting aside this amount of money, then expecting that federal tax money pick up the slack is not just stingy, it is a gimme, mimme attitude.

"Every successful business, you've got to either increase your revenues or decrease your expenses when the books don't balance," said Rep. Don Marostica, R-Loveland, noting that the state can do little to raise revenues. Unless they raise taxes like the democrats propose.

The list of prioritised items that our elected officials want are in the following order. More money for Medicaid and unemployment insurance, and updating the power grid are at the top of what members of Colorado's congressional delegation hope to receive in a federal stimulus package for Colorado.

Notice the top of the list is handouts. More money for unemployment, medicare. If they were to go down the rolls on both of these and eliminate those who are on the rolls ILLEGALLY and undeservedly they may free up some money. Then this money can and should be used to create jobs.

By creating jobs I mean looking at state projects that need to be done. Once you kick off some of these projects you create jobs which in turn employee people who then spend money earned. What a concept huh?

The concept of taking monies and extending unemployment benefits only leads to a lack of initiative. You reward a person for nothing. If you set a limit and enforce the limit. Those who are on unemployment have more of an incentive to find a job. When people are looking for jobs (that is to say legally eligible citizens) companies compete for the more qualified workers. This creates a better work environment for employees.

When the economy is stimulated with work, not hand outs. The economy grows. If the economy is rewarded with hand outs and no direction to move forward, it slows and heads downward.

All these lessons are learned in ECONOMICS 101. Something our elected officials and the unions seem to have never taken as a class.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Colorado looks to hike fees again

In a clear mismanagement of highway funds. Governor Bill "tax" Ritter is looking at raising the fee to register ones vehicle by yet another $25 dollars. Why, because this current state maladministration can not budget the funds set specifically aside for the maintenance of the states highways and bridges.

There is no doubt that Colorado highways are suffering from a lack of maintenance, yet it is a falsehood to claim there is not enough money to care for the roads. The biggest project is the replacement of the Interstate 70 viaduct, built in 1964, between Brighton and Colorado boulevards. Replacement is estimated at $800 million. A huge question which falls on Ritter only because he is the current Governor is why has this not been repaired before hand and maintained?

This viaduct was built in 1964, it is now 2008 and looking at the 2009 fiscal year. That is 44 years of what? A lack of maintenance is it not? So now an estimated $800,000,000.00 million to repair is what they are proposing. Then in order to come up with these funds they are wanting to raise our fees to register our cars by at least $25 dollars.

I would like to know just what is being done with the money raised from the tax on fuel which is specifically earmarked to go to highway and bridge maintenance. How many millions are being siphoned off of this fund for what?

Gov. Ritter inherited this problem but his lack of being able to deal with it is going to cost Coloradoans millions. Though the state has major problems with highway maintenance and bridge repair. Ritter shows the typical Liberal fix it ideas. Tax the taxpayer more in order to fund the problem. Instead of managing the budget and maintaining TABOR, this is clearly another way around TABOR and a grab at our money in these tight economic times.


FY 07 - 08 Appropriations $1,062,132,447.00
FY 08 - 09 Request $1,299,343,852.00

an increase of $237,211,405.00 before the registration fee hike.

more info on State budgets:

state info:

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A day to give thanks

Today was a day to stop and shake the hands of those who wore the Uniform of this Great Country. Be that of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, or the beloved Marine Corps.

This day was set aside to remember those specifically who answered the call of their country. A day to stand and praise their real PATRIOTISM. It is a day of history that is living and breathing.

When a Veteran goes by do you just stop and look. Or do you even bother to take note of this person? Chances are you just walk on by and not give them a second thought. Though this person came back his sacrifices are no less then those who we remember on Memorial day. For this man and woman gave up their life for a short time to DEFEND YOURS.

Maybe their service was one during a time of peace. But they were there standing the front lines just in case. Maybe they did see some action in the form of a humanitarian mission in some far off country you never heard of. They walked off ship or out of the belly of an airplane representing you and bringing hope to the world. A little comfort and relief to a catastrophe.

These men and women deserve a day to call their own. A day that we give thanks and respect for their sacrifices. Veterans are easy to spot. They are the ones who trudge through daily activities with their backs straight and their heads held high. When adversity comes their way they don't run and hide. They confront the problem and take it on.

These are real hero's and do not ask for much. Just a chance to go on with their lives and provide for their families. A chance to work and play. A chance to better themselves and others. Always giving and not asking.

So as the sun sets on this day ask yourself is not your life a little better for having these men and women in your life, whether you know it or not. So give thanks to them when you see them. take a moment to pat them on the back and say thanks. I do.

I am always watching.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Where do we start?

Where do we start in purging the party of RINO's? A god place to start would be at the election booth in electing strong Fiscal and Hawkish Republicans. yet how do we get these people there to vote on. Well we can turn to the talk radio.

Talk radio has been the focal point for the conservative movement for thirty plus years. yes there were Conservatives before Rush Limbaugh. Yes they were even on the radio. Some were good, some like today were bad.

The good ones seem to rise to the top and stay there. Such is the case of Rush. Now I am not a full blown ditto head so do not think that this is an endorsement of the Limbaugh show. Limbaugh as other good talk show host will tell you to listen and seek out the other point of view. Fact that Rush is right 8 out of 10 times is another. But he is correct in saying that the views of his show are his. The fact that many hold the same views is another.

Now what talk shows can we trust and listen to without fear of being given spin? Well this is the real question and one we need to examine big time. There are many wanna be talkers out there but few that are truly Conservative in nature.

How do we know this? Well look at who on the election night started to sing the praises of a socialist, Obama, and his possible new appointees. Laura Ingram, Hugh Hewitt, Dennis Miller (?), these are just a few candidates. Let us not forget Bill O'Rielly either.

All of FOX news both audio and video has got to have a second vetting now for what it is worth. A net work that once was fair and balanced has dramatically shifted to softballs of the democrats. A preemptive ploy on their part to try and stave off the on coming fairness in broadcasting censorship that is heading our way.

These RINO's in Conservative broadcasting need to be pushed out along with those in office as well. We cannot let them continue to try and direct a movement that does not reflect Conservative morals and ideas. Though all in some way or another may from time to time represent in some small way a Conservative agenda. They all fall short like Tom Tancredo did in his single item platform of presidential campaigning. We need more. What we need is talk radio to step up with more Rush Limbaugh's who cover the spectrum of the Conservative movement.

Some are now questioning why is Hugh Hewitt on this list. Well have you forgotten how he labeled those in the Conservative side of things Bigots when we did not accept his candidate of Mitt Romney. Not because he was Mormon but because we did not care for his platform. According to Hugh we were fickle and did not understand anything. What Hugh failed to grasp was that we did not support Romney's ideas on domestic policies or we did not support his global outlook. Under Hugh's thinking we were just bigots.

Then Hugh took up McCain like he was a savior to the Republican party. More would have supported Romney then McCain. Hugh even poo pooed Palin. A breath of fresh air, but not according to Hugh.

Laura Ingram on election night started to praise Obama instead of hammering home facts of his socialist agenda. Something we will get a close look at when he starts to abuse the EXECUTIVE ORDERS after he takes office.

Again more fuel for he RINO's. Giving credited to a move to the left. Something that we have got to stop now.

As long as we continue to allow these "moderates" to convince us that we need to bow down to the left we have no chance in maintaining any sort of semblance to fiscal responsibility and sound judgment on foreign issues. We have to send the message now that we will not bend our principles and values to those on the left. A strong backbone is required. RINO's are every where and are doing all they can to undermine the conservative movement.

I am watching/

Friday, November 7, 2008

Just a theory

This is just a theory mind you, but has any one else noted that blogs on the right who advertise are getting adverts that really do not go with their values.

I guess the biggest blog of note that this has happened to is Michelle Malkins. On her advert column one finds an add for Russian Models. these models are what you might say, not clothed to well, or scantily clad. This is essential an outrage but just the beginning.

I refer to Sen. Schummers comment on how the right needs to be treated in the area of broadcasting as pornography, regulated and censored. Could these adds be a subtle way in making an argument for this case in point.

Now one can find Michelles blog on this here:

Fairness Doctrine Watch: Schumer likens conservative opinion to pornography (vid added)
By Michelle Malkin • November 4, 2008 11:01 AM

Also on The Radio Equalizer, you can read about the expected censorship leadership being appointed to the FCC.

Obama Appoints Radical Media Activist To Oversee FCC, Talk Radio Shutdown:

Now my theory is simple and can be con screwed by some to be a conspiracy wacko nut job. However we do know that Google who runs the AdSense has many, many left leaning believers in their employee. We also know that Google and Yahoo have sided with certain governments to censor the Internet (CHINA).

So my theory on this is simple. I would conclude that here at first these adds will be written off as a mistake but will increase on the right leaning blogs. A way to add cannon fodder to the censorship of the left after the start of the new year and their attempt to stifle the conservative voice.

We will see an increase in pressure as to a "balanced" dialog on broadcasts for the right. With possible format changes on radio stations as to whether or not they will even keep talk radio.

The MSM media has an inherent left bias as it is and with FOX caving in to pressure form the left the conservative voice is going to find it harder and harder to be heard

A TOOTHLESS FOX?FNC Censors Itself Ahead Of Obama Presidency.

I am in the shadows watching.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Did the Republican party not learn anything from this election? They should have learned at least one lesson. This lesson being that we do not want RINO's representing us in Congress.

Well obviously they haven't learned this lesson. This is what they propose. House Republican Deputy Whip Eric Cantor to be nominated to House Whip. This is a bad move.

Voting records may show that Cantor leans conservative, but he has a propensity to do to much isle leaning the other way and is not forceful enough to push the Conservative Republican agenda.

The Prowler, over at The American Spectator writes an interesting article on this.

I am in the shadows, watching.

Proposed New Administration

Whoa, take a look at the names of the people President elect Obama is looking at for cabinet positions.

Sec. of State - John Kerry. Here is a man who lied about his service record in Viet Nam. Still has not released his medical or military records. Favors European socialism versus American Policies, and is not able to hold a coherent thought.

Bill Richardson, another possible candidate for Sec. of State. What is this mans qualifications? He favors open boarders and a pro Aztlan position on domestic policies. He too favors the Untied nations government over the sovereignty of the Untied States.

Attorney General - Governor Janet Napolitano? Is this for real? Can we expect this woman to enforce the law for the nation when she refuses to enforce Arizona State law when it comes to illegal immigration. This is a woman who needs to be vetted and exposed for the racist and bigot that she is. (note to self)

Sec. of Defense - Colin Powell? This is proof that those on the left are not in control of their faculties. Colin Powell either lied to this country before the war in Iraq started according to the left. Or the left is in fact suffering from B.D.S. in their hypocrisy if nominating this man. Colin Powell either told the truth, in which case we had more proof that Saddam Hussein was a threat, in which case the left are hypocrites for their attacks on this man at the time. Or they prove that the only reason the opposed the war was their jealously of President Bush.

Robert Kennedy Jr.? This man they would like to head up the environment. Lets face facts about this man. He opposes any plan that would make America self dependant on energy. He is not just out there on environmental policies he is in fact a loon and out of touch with reality on these issues. He refuses nuclear power, windmill farms, new hydro electric plants, and coal burning plants. This man can not see the forest for the trees.

What may be a bright spot is the idea of Caroline Kennedy being nominated as Ambassador to the United Nations. Why is this a plus? She is new , fresh to politics, has absolutely no experience what so ever. So she could be a wild card and prove to be good choice. Then again she may be just another political appointee that is a payback for a favor of support for the campaign. Proving that her inexperience is a bad decision. This however should not worry the American public as they decided that inexperience was a plus for a president.


First, retake control of the Republican Party

As we look back at this campaign cycle and note what went wrong, or what did not work. Conservatives and true Republicans need to look at our own party first. See what is broken from with in and lets fix this.

So what is wrong one may ask. Well the Republican party is not the party of Conservatism or even the party of Ronald Regan. It has been subverted and taken over by RINO's. What is a RINO? It is a Republican in name only.

A RINO is someone who has wormed their way into the Republican ticket and used the Obama effect to get into positions of authority. The Obama effect is the new name for the Jimmy Carter effect. A person who comes from out of nowhere. One who the public has no idea of who and what they are. Claiming one thing but in reality being another.

As conservatives we have to clean up our back yard before we look at the neighbors. this means a lot of huge changes need to take place. The best time to do this is for the base to come out and support true conservatives and not incumbent RINO's in office come the 2010 election.

Conservatives every where in this country if we have to need to run for office and replace these subversives to conservative ideas, as independents if need be. Once the RINO's are replaced only then can we move forward and retake the White House from the left.

All RINO's should be categorised as any MODERATE and left leaning Republican in office. Those who side with the left on all major issues. Holding true tom our beliefs and not compromising should not be considered as being obstinate, but embraced as having backbone.

The largest grassroots movement in history needs to start right now by getting organised at the local level and removing again the so called moderates from the party and local offices in the party now. Writing and demanding that State officials and then National officials remember that they are only in Washington or at State Capitols by our whim and not there to sit on their laurels and collect a check. We are their EMPLOYERS and we will exercise our rights to remove them/fire them when they do not perform.

The newly elected Republicans need a rude wake up call. I am going to be on Cheri Gerou like stink on you know what. She is my newly elected State Representative. I am going to hold her accountable to conservative ideals and not moderate ways. Why? I am the Avenger this is why. Do not forget that I lurk in the shadows. I am that tingle in the hairs on liberals necks. I am that one who asks the questions and DEMANDS the answer.

I am the NEMESIS of the left, and those who do not represent their constituents.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

How to define the left

How do we define the left in this country. In question how do we define the left in general? During the 2008 Presidential campaign we heard the word socialist thrown around a lot. But what is a socialist?

Socialism is defined as follows:

1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2 a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

So a socialist would be someone who supports this general way of thinking. How does this relate to President elect Obama? How does it relate to any of the elected democrats and RINO's in office today? Both very good questions and we shall try to show the connections of our government and the belief they have in a socialist system. Which would make them either socialist or socialist sympathisers.

Look at the policies that President elect Obama has talked about and plans to implement. Look closely at those who he is choosing to be in his cabinet. Then look at their records and what they support. It does not take a collage degree to see where they would suit on the political spectrum. A poly sci student in day one of class can figure this one out. Even in today's leftist filled propagandised classrooms.


Colorado and Immigration. The law!

Is your Colorado town following the state law and reporting ILLEGALS? the chances are that they are not.

If they are not it is your job to remind them it is the law and to enforce it.

Here is the law:

Arrestee Immigration StatusSenate Bill 06-90Reports to Federal Government
In accordance with Article 29 of Title 29, Colorado Revised Statutes, all Colorado local governments, including every town, city, city and county, and county are required to cooperate with federal officials in matters concerning the enforcement of state and federal laws regarding immigration as follows:

1) Any peace officer who has probable cause to believe that an arrestee for a criminal offense, except domestic violence, is not legally present in the United States must report the incident to the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office (ICE) whenever the arrestee is NOT detained.

2) If the arrestee IS detained and the county sheriff reasonably believes that the arrestee is not legally present in the United States, then the sheriff must report the arrestee to the ICE (except arrestees for domestic violence).

3) A person who is arrested for a domestic violence offence and who is believed to be in the country illegally must be reported to ICE when he or she is convicted.

Each governing body must report to the Legislative Council of the General Assembly annually, on or before
March 1 of each year, the number of reports made to ICE.

Time to hammer home accountability

Nancy Pelosi recently said that if you vote the democrats in you will be able to hold them accountable for their actions and vote. Well along with Nancy we have a return of the corruption to Washington. Jack (ab scam, insult the base) Murtha, William “Cold Cash” Jefferson, Harry "land deals" Reid, Barney "I can't manage my check book but let me manage yours" Frank.

There is also Chuck "time to censor the right" Schumer, Charles "tax avoid er" Rangel. Yes sir this what the American left has brainwashed the youth to help keep in office.

Colorado is no better in the picture as it has moved from a center left position under Gov.Ritter and State Senate Pres Romonoff. It has voted in Mark "I am incompetent?" Udall, do not confuse with anything resembling a moderate with this man, to the U.S. Senate. While making the state legislature more of a quagmire in liberalism.

Diana DeGette, Jared Polis, John Salazar, Betsy Markey, Ed Perlmutter, all democrats and liberal elitists are voted into office on a national level.

Jeanne Labuda, Mark Ferrandino, Anne McGihon, Jerry Frangas, Joel Judd, Lois Court, Terrence Carroll, Joe Miklosi, Jack Pommer, Paul Weissmann, Claire Levy, Dennis Apuan, Michael Merrifield, Gwyn Green, Sue Schafer, Andy Kerr, Sara Gagliardi, Jim Kerr, Debbie Benefield, Judy Solano, Dianne Primavera, John Soper, Cherylin Peniston, Su Ryden, Joe Rice, Karen Middleton, Buffie McFadyen, Jim Riesberg, John Kefalas, Randy Fischer, Bernie Buescher, Christine Scanlan, Rafael Gallegos, Wes McKinley, all more democrats. At least 34 out of 65 district seats are held by democrats in the state House. More then enough for Gov. Ritter to push his tax and spend agenda on to Colorado. Mimicking that of the National House in Washington D.C.

Even though the amendments and referendums on this years ballot calling for an increase of taxes were defeated. This liberal makeup will still find ways around TABOR to increase spending and hike taxes on Colorado tax payers.

Yes it is time to hold these people accountable for every dime they spend. I am watching and will be spreading the word on their liberal agenda of social quotas in the name of equality.

Be for warned. You are all being watched. I am in the shadows taking notes.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Let the games begin

The election is over and the left are having a great time. Celebrating their questionable victory over the American way of life. A darkness falls upon those who are conservative. Dread and fear of possible false persecutions. Slanderous accusations of racism and bigotry.

The games in Washington are being set into motion and readied to play. Higher taxes, social and civil injustices to be played out in the name of political correctness.

Have no fear conservatives. Our day is not over yet. though this country is more then likely to be set back thirty to forty years. A loss of international creditability and respect can be won back when we retake control of this nation in 2010.

Let the left be happy for now. Let them celebrate. It will be short lived when the masses see the left for the tyrants they truly are.

Sarah Palin and Bobby Jindel are waiting in the wings. Strategies for their 2012 run are under way as you read this. The word will get out and those who seek to ruin this country shall be forced out of office by the same masses that were brainwashed into voting them in.

Many governorships, senate seats and house seats are up for grabs come 2010. We shall prevail. We shall return America back to its strength and its position of leadership in the world.

Just like the serial shows of the golden age of radio. The good guys shall win in the end. So stay tuned. Stay informed. Stay safe my com padres. The avenger is loose.