Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Shephard, Pirate, or Terrorist

Who are those that claim they are the only defenders of the planet Whales. Well if you watch Animal Planet any you may be familiar with their new show, Whale Wars.

This is a show that brings to attention the whaling by Japanese in the Antarctic seas. Something that morally may not be right. Then again are the Japanese really whaling or are they the target of an extremist group of self righteous, self indulgent, Eco terrorists?

I would have to say that it may be both but it is definitely the latter. The Sea Shepherd is not only a ship full of Ecoterrorist, but it is over qualified as not just a ship of fools but of incompetence and law breakers.

Lets meet these incompetent terrorists shall we.

Paul Watson: Captain of the ship and founder of the Sea Shepherds. How this man is allowed to continue to command a ship is unbelievable. His lack of concern and responsibility as a Captain to his crew is unfathomable. Allowing untrained crew members to launch zodiac boats with crew members on board them. Allowing said boats to leave in Arctic waters while members on board are not wearing Arctic life saving suits, and not ensuring that there is communication between said boat and the ship.

The planning and enactment of piracy on the high seas, boarding without permission other ships, and the attempts to disable said ships upon the high seas. All acts of terrorism and piracy.

Benjamin Potts: ships cook. Also guilty of terrorism and piracy on the high seas. He has attempted and succeeded in the unlawful boarding of another ship on the open ocean. This without notification or permission of the ship and crew. He is also guilty of attempting to disable a ship on the high seas. Assaulting not only the ship with home made weapons that may cause the injury of crew members but damage the ship being attacked.

Kim McCoy: ships quartermaster. Not only is she breaking the law but she is a lawyer. This is cause for immediate suspension and removal from any bar to practice law anywhere. As quarter master she sees that when these pirates/terrorist attack Japanese ships on the high seas that they are supplied with the means to do harm and damage to crew and ship.
She is a fraud, her actions are exactly 180 degrees fro her listed bio beliefs. She claims to support non violent actions yet she is on film supporting violent actions against others. Her support of any action that may be dangerous to the safety of others in not a nonviolent act.

Shannon Mann: another ships quartermaster. She is another one who has committed acts of terrorism and piracy against others on the high seas. Failed to supply proper gear to those who leave ship and assault other ships, and is a poster child for mislead activism.

Peter Hammarstedt: second mate. Not only is this person laughable as a second mate, with no training listed or evident in his on camera appearances with the show. He is incompetent in not only leadership ability but as second mate. An idealistic 23 year old who puts the life of animals above that of his fellow man. He has planned and executed attacks on other vessels that would not only put that ships crew in life threatening situations. He has committed acts of terrorism by building so called nonviolent bombs that produce slick surfaces on board ships. This will one day lead to a crew member slipping and either breaking their neck of falling into the frigid antarctic waters and dieing.

Peter Brown: first mate. another laughable person in a position of responsibility. Peter is by trade a videographer. He documents most of the acts of piracy when he is not participating in them. As second in command of the Sea Shepherd he has proven incompetent time and time again. His allowing of zodiac speed boats to leave site of the main ship with out communication of proper survival gear is not only irresponsible but criminally negligent. His piloting of the zodiac speed boats in their acts of piracy against other vessels has not only put the lives of himself and those upon board the zodiac at risk but he has put the lives of those on the assailed ships and those who may have to rescue them at risk.

C. Aultman: ships helicopter pilot and aviation director. A former United States Marine he claims he has seen the devastation of man. Not having been in real combat he was on board ship and never set foot on shore during the 91 war (Desert Storm) he now thinks of himself as a warrior for the planet. He has been involved with acts of terrorism and piracy on the high seas.

Amber Paarman: quartermaster. Yet another animal rights activist who places the lives of animals above that of humans. She is a supporter and participant of acts of terrorism and piracy on the high seas.

Tod Emko: communications officer. The position of communications officer would seem to be filled with a person who is qualified. Yet time and time again he has demonstrated his lack of ability by allowing the zodiac speed boats to leave with out communications equipment or doing a simple comm check with said boat before they move away from the ship. He has participated willfully in the acts of sabotage to other ships on the high seas. Yet another pirate that claims to be peaceful.

What do these people do that constitutes terrorism and piracy? For one the act to disable and damage another ship through the destruction of the props and engines. Not only does this put the attacked ship in danger but that of any ship that has to come to their aid. When a ship looses its ability to be mobile during a storm. They can easily fall pray to the seas and sink. Basically these are acts of attempted murder.

These people are not saviors of animal life. They are frauds who think that they are above the law and can do what ever they want to.

The name of the ship that these criminals sail on is the Steve Irwin.

If you want to support animals and protect them. Do not support criminals contact Green Peace and other reputable groups that do not break the law or endanger lives.

I am watching

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