Friday, January 30, 2009

Is Nancy Pelosi in denial or just SENILE.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has come out and made the most outrageous statement. She has claimed to be non partisan. Lets look at her statement.

Here is what she said:

“I didn’t come here to be partisan. I didn’t come here to be bipartisan. I came here, as did my colleagues, to be nonpartisan, to work for the American people, to do what is in their interest.
The president’s agenda is reflected in this legislation. It’s — I mentioned, some of the priorities that were there about creating jobs, cutting taxes, helping states through this difficult economic time, and to do so in a fiscally sound way.

Fiscally sound? Say that again please. This bill is loaded with pork. Money for condoms, foreign nations are getting our money to conduct abortions. Something we do not fund even for our own citizens. Billions of dollars for the political activist group ACORN. Where is the real tax cuts? WE have tax credits proposed but no tax cuts.

People vote for what they believe in. Clearly, the Republicans did not believe in the agenda that I just described for you, and that’s probably one of the reasons they voted that way. I think they probably voted their conscience and they couldn’t support that. …

Yes and it is a good thing that the Republicans showed the American people who truly are the fiscally responsible ones in Washington when it comes to this nonsense of a bill.

We reached out to the Republicans all along the way, and they know it. And they know it. They were part of the original bill, with the — some of the tax provisions were their suggestions. They had what they asked for in terms of committee mark-up. They had the rule on the floor that gave them plenty of opportunity to make changes. They just didn’t have the ideas that had the support of the majority of the people in the Congress. ”

You reached out to the Republican party? Just how was this accomplished? When was it? Was it before or after Nancy Pelosi rewrote the house rules. The ones in which she has eliminated debate on the floor. The ones in which she has denied the removal of bills and sending them back to committee? Did she extend her hand to the Republican party before or after she called in the Democratic party without notifying the Republicans of certain voted prior to the Christmas break in 2008.

Nancy claims she has listened to the Republican party yet she refuses to acknowledge any of the Republican proposals on the stimulus bill, or any other bill for that matter.

Nancy has been the most partisan Speaker of the House in memory. For her to claim she is not is either denial or a lie. However if you listen to her speak and the things she says. One can easily conclude that maybe she is getting old and is simply SENILE.

I am watching this. Are you paying attention?

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