Saturday, February 7, 2009

Lost Hope and Lack of Change

As we are continually pummeled with by the MSM. Hope and Change have come to Washington. A new era of government is at hand, but where is it really?

President Obama has assured us of transparency but we see that there is none. A continual same as before and a return of as it once was is being provided. The change in politics seems to be a change for the worse. The hope is that of hope to bring fear to the public.

Nothing new is being presented by the Democrats in office. As a matter of fact the change is more of a return to the failed policies and lack of projected strength of the United States to the world. Jimmy Carter era policies are being rammed through in congress with a total lack of concern for the consequences to the economy.

Pork is the name of the game. A game in which who gets the most pork and what it is wasted upon. I and several others have continued to ask what is the significance of 800 billion. Why is this a key number for the stimulus package (pork ridden, looser of a bill).

Well I have my answer. The reason that 800 billion is key is the fact this is what Obama wants spent. There are no figures, rhyme or reason as to the conclusion of this number. It just the number that President Obama wants to spend.

The Democratic party, obviously drunk on their new found positions of power. Are doing all they can to get reckless and wasteful spending on social welfare programs passed. The reason is they have the numbers to vote yes. As too many in the Democratic party are playing along and voting as they are told. Very few realise the damages that they are conspirators to.

This is the opportune time for the liberals in congress to force America to accept their ideas and policies. Knowing full well that they are being aided by the MSM in a lack of coverage to the sham policies being presented and passed.

This stimulus package is only the first of many travesties to the American way of life to come. As Nancy Pelosi has rewritten the House rules on debate, or now the lack there of. The so called transparency that Obama has promised the American people is no where to be found. Examples abound as to this. His vetting process has hidden many flaws to his choices of cabinet members for his administration. If it was not for the fact of key bloggers like Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs, Michelle Malkin, or even the news page of the Drudge Report. Many of these key players would never be exposed for their tax evasion and other morally corrupt ways.

With the Senate presenting a new stimulus amendment that the people are being kept from seeing until it is either leaked or passed. So much for the transparency.

Some more change is the fact that little countries that once were friends to the United States no longer are. They have caved to the left and are against us. Venezuela, Bolivia, and now Ecuador. Having no respect for those who govern the USA the left in these countries are pursuing anti American policies of their own knowing full well that Washington will not hinder but aid the left in their efforts.

A little policy known as the Monroe doctrine once kept European countries and the Soviet Union out of Central and South America. However as the liberal left in Washington ignores this Russia and China are not only seeking active economic influence but military influence as well in this part of the world.

Russia is building not only weapons plants in South America but bases there as well as in the Caribbean. China is moving its oil and energy expansion into Mexico. China is also moving its Military into Mexico as quietly as church mice. Calling them police adviser's for the war on drugs.

We the people were promised time and again by the left of the Democratic party that they were going to bring us hope. As we are only a few weeks into the new Congress and Administration it has become saddenly clear that this was a lie. A return to failed closed backroom dealings, and policies are the main agenda. A push to be one sided in decisions, with a clear lack of acceptance for the minority party. A chance to run rampant into the dark night with no light to see the way.

When the moderates wake up and realise that they voted for change and hope , what they really got was neither. Then maybe this country can get back on its feet and see some real hope and change.

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