Thursday, November 6, 2008

First, retake control of the Republican Party

As we look back at this campaign cycle and note what went wrong, or what did not work. Conservatives and true Republicans need to look at our own party first. See what is broken from with in and lets fix this.

So what is wrong one may ask. Well the Republican party is not the party of Conservatism or even the party of Ronald Regan. It has been subverted and taken over by RINO's. What is a RINO? It is a Republican in name only.

A RINO is someone who has wormed their way into the Republican ticket and used the Obama effect to get into positions of authority. The Obama effect is the new name for the Jimmy Carter effect. A person who comes from out of nowhere. One who the public has no idea of who and what they are. Claiming one thing but in reality being another.

As conservatives we have to clean up our back yard before we look at the neighbors. this means a lot of huge changes need to take place. The best time to do this is for the base to come out and support true conservatives and not incumbent RINO's in office come the 2010 election.

Conservatives every where in this country if we have to need to run for office and replace these subversives to conservative ideas, as independents if need be. Once the RINO's are replaced only then can we move forward and retake the White House from the left.

All RINO's should be categorised as any MODERATE and left leaning Republican in office. Those who side with the left on all major issues. Holding true tom our beliefs and not compromising should not be considered as being obstinate, but embraced as having backbone.

The largest grassroots movement in history needs to start right now by getting organised at the local level and removing again the so called moderates from the party and local offices in the party now. Writing and demanding that State officials and then National officials remember that they are only in Washington or at State Capitols by our whim and not there to sit on their laurels and collect a check. We are their EMPLOYERS and we will exercise our rights to remove them/fire them when they do not perform.

The newly elected Republicans need a rude wake up call. I am going to be on Cheri Gerou like stink on you know what. She is my newly elected State Representative. I am going to hold her accountable to conservative ideals and not moderate ways. Why? I am the Avenger this is why. Do not forget that I lurk in the shadows. I am that tingle in the hairs on liberals necks. I am that one who asks the questions and DEMANDS the answer.

I am the NEMESIS of the left, and those who do not represent their constituents.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

I feel the same! Conservative ideology is the ideology of our founding. Conservatism works. Why do republicans like McCain toss out what works?

I started a petition I think you'll find interesting. I call out RINOs and demand they embrace Reagan Conservatism. Here it is:

We are in for some rough times. I think Obama's administration is going to quickly devolve into Jimmy Carter's 2nd administration with even worse consequences.