Monday, November 10, 2008

Where do we start?

Where do we start in purging the party of RINO's? A god place to start would be at the election booth in electing strong Fiscal and Hawkish Republicans. yet how do we get these people there to vote on. Well we can turn to the talk radio.

Talk radio has been the focal point for the conservative movement for thirty plus years. yes there were Conservatives before Rush Limbaugh. Yes they were even on the radio. Some were good, some like today were bad.

The good ones seem to rise to the top and stay there. Such is the case of Rush. Now I am not a full blown ditto head so do not think that this is an endorsement of the Limbaugh show. Limbaugh as other good talk show host will tell you to listen and seek out the other point of view. Fact that Rush is right 8 out of 10 times is another. But he is correct in saying that the views of his show are his. The fact that many hold the same views is another.

Now what talk shows can we trust and listen to without fear of being given spin? Well this is the real question and one we need to examine big time. There are many wanna be talkers out there but few that are truly Conservative in nature.

How do we know this? Well look at who on the election night started to sing the praises of a socialist, Obama, and his possible new appointees. Laura Ingram, Hugh Hewitt, Dennis Miller (?), these are just a few candidates. Let us not forget Bill O'Rielly either.

All of FOX news both audio and video has got to have a second vetting now for what it is worth. A net work that once was fair and balanced has dramatically shifted to softballs of the democrats. A preemptive ploy on their part to try and stave off the on coming fairness in broadcasting censorship that is heading our way.

These RINO's in Conservative broadcasting need to be pushed out along with those in office as well. We cannot let them continue to try and direct a movement that does not reflect Conservative morals and ideas. Though all in some way or another may from time to time represent in some small way a Conservative agenda. They all fall short like Tom Tancredo did in his single item platform of presidential campaigning. We need more. What we need is talk radio to step up with more Rush Limbaugh's who cover the spectrum of the Conservative movement.

Some are now questioning why is Hugh Hewitt on this list. Well have you forgotten how he labeled those in the Conservative side of things Bigots when we did not accept his candidate of Mitt Romney. Not because he was Mormon but because we did not care for his platform. According to Hugh we were fickle and did not understand anything. What Hugh failed to grasp was that we did not support Romney's ideas on domestic policies or we did not support his global outlook. Under Hugh's thinking we were just bigots.

Then Hugh took up McCain like he was a savior to the Republican party. More would have supported Romney then McCain. Hugh even poo pooed Palin. A breath of fresh air, but not according to Hugh.

Laura Ingram on election night started to praise Obama instead of hammering home facts of his socialist agenda. Something we will get a close look at when he starts to abuse the EXECUTIVE ORDERS after he takes office.

Again more fuel for he RINO's. Giving credited to a move to the left. Something that we have got to stop now.

As long as we continue to allow these "moderates" to convince us that we need to bow down to the left we have no chance in maintaining any sort of semblance to fiscal responsibility and sound judgment on foreign issues. We have to send the message now that we will not bend our principles and values to those on the left. A strong backbone is required. RINO's are every where and are doing all they can to undermine the conservative movement.

I am watching/

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