Monday, November 17, 2008

Vetting the new administration

The vetting process is very important. What it boils down to is looking into the background of nominations to cabinet positions. This is to see whether or not there may be something surprising or may cause concern with bad p.r. to the administration.

As a country we failed to vent the president elect, or more correctly I should say that the Obama campaign was successful in preventing a proper vetting of the candidate. By not allowing and blatant putting off limits basic questions as to Obama's background. We now have a president elect that we know very little about.

With more than 300 cabinet secretaries, deputies and assistant secretaries and more than 2,500 political appointees to be chosen. The vetting process of this new Administration is clearly a national issue.

Amazingly in 2001, it took an average of 60 days to get a nominee's name to the Senate after presidential approval. The Obama team, with White House assistance, is aiming for a maximum of 30 days. A little extra push from political friends to rush certain nominees to their new jobs. Political payback perhaps for support in the lack of vetting during the campaign?

Although Barack Hussein Obama is the most liberal and farthest left to ever be elected to office. He does not go far enough.

Yes Virginia, Obama is no the end of the extreme left but only the beginning of the extremist!

The extremists over on the Huff Post are fuming that the possibility of Sec. Gates will remain in office under Obama's presidency. Fact that Sec. Gates is not the best person for this job is not an argument. The fact that he will not disassemble the military and leave this country defenseless is what drives the extremists crazy. Rest assured though. As soon as Obama gets his bearing on how the military works and is working on foreign shores, he will replace Sec. Gates in a heart beat with a boot licker of his liking.

A second note is on how the Obama inner circle is vetting these nominees. This is something that is not getting enough airtime and understanding. So far we know that those who have owned a gun or own a handgun are being disqualified. This is something to think about with a man who proposes a civilian armed security force that would rival the military.


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