Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Let the games begin

The election is over and the left are having a great time. Celebrating their questionable victory over the American way of life. A darkness falls upon those who are conservative. Dread and fear of possible false persecutions. Slanderous accusations of racism and bigotry.

The games in Washington are being set into motion and readied to play. Higher taxes, social and civil injustices to be played out in the name of political correctness.

Have no fear conservatives. Our day is not over yet. though this country is more then likely to be set back thirty to forty years. A loss of international creditability and respect can be won back when we retake control of this nation in 2010.

Let the left be happy for now. Let them celebrate. It will be short lived when the masses see the left for the tyrants they truly are.

Sarah Palin and Bobby Jindel are waiting in the wings. Strategies for their 2012 run are under way as you read this. The word will get out and those who seek to ruin this country shall be forced out of office by the same masses that were brainwashed into voting them in.

Many governorships, senate seats and house seats are up for grabs come 2010. We shall prevail. We shall return America back to its strength and its position of leadership in the world.

Just like the serial shows of the golden age of radio. The good guys shall win in the end. So stay tuned. Stay informed. Stay safe my com padres. The avenger is loose.

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